example projects in production
Renewabled Curaçao


Amazing i-Existence!

Philosophy vid.
homemade (4min)

Postmodern market economy

commercial concept
Savings Product (2008)

Gene Shoemaker
Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Steve Biko / Ntsiki Mashalaba


ETLD is an idea that came in an instant. This was in Holland, on the couch, seeing president Clinton announce the findings of possible nanofossils in a Martian meteorite
(Breaking News). That was in 1996. The concept has evolved towards a lifetime 'masterpiece' many .

Nowadays the concept is divided into a internet community (NewDay.nl) and a collective financial concept to invest in paradigm shifting science (ETLD).

"ET? Lil' green men?"
No! We are the extraterrestrials (to become)!

* For NewDay.nl important people about...
* Present business concept ETLD Savings Account
* Present consumer enhanced concept | 'home made' animation
* Present example project; a survey and network efforts towards a hydrogen economy for Curaçao
* See the first online project description in English (pdf-140K)

April 12, 2008
Planetery Cloudbusting started

The urge to reopen the 9/11 investigation grows. Also the related Iraq invasion in 2003 must in that undergo an independent new look upon. This includes the role of the Dutch Balkenende II Administration.

Planetary Cloudbusting presents hot e-themes from within the community for debate and knowledge - and insight sharing. Active contributions are possible after EvolutionPlan started. Possibly autumn 2008.

June 12, 2007
ETLD.ORG is on

Finally the last domain is up and running: ETLD.ORG - WebTV with You as the producers.

November 2nd, 2007
True colors

The basic philosphy of the ETLD | NewDay.nl initiator.

April 26, 2007April 26, 2007
- [link]
Tomorrow EarthPortal.Org will be officially online; the latest initiative of ex-internet entrepeneur and millionair Joe Firmage.

Oktober 5, 2006  -
The NewDay.nl / ETLD family is online since 1999. Yesterday, October 4th 2006, the old trustworthy server, went down. Provider and webmaster work very hard to restore everything the way it was.

®NewDay.nl/ETLD 1996 - online 1999 - 2008